Winter Pruning Grand Rapids Area MI
- Dormant pruning of deciduous shrubs allows a close look at the “bones” to see rubbing branches & dead wood for removal.
- Thinning of the interior improves air circulation & plant health.
- Improve the form and structure of the plants.
- Pruning often helps rejuvenate plants.
Plant your bulb for Spring
West Michigan winters are very harsh. After a long and gray winter in Grand Rapids, it is nice to see some color when the snow and ice melts away from your beds. Now is the time to plant bulbs for great Spring flowers! Planting your bulbs now in your west Michigan yard will result in beautiful flowers in Spring.
Grand Rapids Lawn Maintenace – Fall Lawn aeration
WHAT: A machine with hollow shafts of metal runs over the turf removing core plugs of soil and grass.
These plugs remain on the lawn and break down over the next several weeks.
WHY: Allows fertilizer, air and water to get close to the turf roots.
Fall is the best time for root growth.
Improved root & turf strength gives you a thicker, greener lawn.
Reduces soil compaction for better water absorption.
Break down the thatch layer that stifles your lawn.
WHEN: Prior to your next fertilizer application.
HOW: Call MLM today for a quote!
Mention this blog and receive 10% a fall fertilizer application. New clients only.
Monsma Landscape & Maintenance is a landscape management company located in the Grand Rapids area. Our services include landscape design and landscape management services within the Grand Rapids area.
Community Giving in Grand Rapids
Grand Rapids, MI – is your lawn dead or dormant?
Save your lawn West Michigan! Want to LOVE your LAWN again?
Tan and dead looking lawns have become all too common this summer.
According to MSU Turf Studies the best way to restore west Michigan turf is to aerate, overseed, and topdress with soil.
For large areas topdressing is not necessary.
There is hope, but it will take some work!
Need help with your lawn Grand Rapids? Call Monsma Landscape and Maintenance TODAY (616) 868-5767 to talk to the professionals
Grand Rapids, keep your yard green!
Drought like conditions in Grand Rapids!
All of us have seen the transformation all around us. Lawns and plants have gone from lush green to toast in a very short time.
Yes, we need rain very badly but you can help by bumping up the sprinkling. With the heat lately you may need to actually
double your sprinkling times to keep things looking good.
Remember that a slow deep soaking is more beneficial that a quick blast that will probably flow away from the plant. Some plants like Coreopsis are prone to mildew if they stay wet too long, so don’t water them late in the day. The same goes for turf. Early morning watering is best. You may want to hit it again 12 hours later making sure it can dry before dark. One drawback to watering in the heat is water loss through evaporation. Timing is everything… when you water will effect the amount you water.
Another option would be to keep sprinkling at the same time but double the duration.
Attention…property owners in Grand Rapids, due to this long hot spell without rain, make sure to raise your blade when lawn mowing to avoid your grass from scorching or burning in the hot sun.
Keeping it green,
Permeable Pavers, Grand Rapids, MI
Management of stormwater has become a hot topic and could be the next profit center for your business. Landscapers who install paver patios and walkways already can know the principles behind attractive hardscapes. They can point
their clients to product lines that absorb rainfall while reducing runoff and promote the earth friendly benefits of these systems.
- Stormwater runoff reduction
Through the use of permeable pavers in driveways and parking areas the amount of stormwater that reaches water treatment systems can be reduced. This will save money for municipalities. - Aquifer recharge
Porous pavements detain stormwater and allow it to slowly add to the ground water levels and mimic the natural water cycle. - Pollution control
Paved surfaces used for vehicle traffic accumulate pollutants that flow into streams and lakes with the stormater. Permeable pavers filter suspended solids, nutrients, and metals through the crushed stone base and aid in the breakdown of contaminants. - Cost savings
Experience has shown that even though the initial installation costs more,permeable pavers have maintenance costs that are 30% less than asphalt. - Cooling effects and looking cool
Permeable pavers that are sown with grass seed have a lower surface temperature than asphalt. Porous pavers look great! The open areas of these pavers can have soil and grass seed added to give a very unique look.ver 90% of rainfall events are of half an inch less. Much of this rainfall
Over 90% of rainfall events are of half an inch less. Much of this rainfall can be handled by permeable pavers. By showing your clients the benefits
you can add more green to your bottom line.
Dan Monsma
Source: Paveloc Industries, Inc.