Permeable Pavers, Grand Rapids, MI
Management of stormwater has become a hot topic and could be the next profit center for your business. Landscapers who install paver patios and walkways already can know the principles behind attractive hardscapes. They can point
their clients to product lines that absorb rainfall while reducing runoff and promote the earth friendly benefits of these systems.
- Stormwater runoff reduction
Through the use of permeable pavers in driveways and parking areas the amount of stormwater that reaches water treatment systems can be reduced. This will save money for municipalities. - Aquifer recharge
Porous pavements detain stormwater and allow it to slowly add to the ground water levels and mimic the natural water cycle. - Pollution control
Paved surfaces used for vehicle traffic accumulate pollutants that flow into streams and lakes with the stormater. Permeable pavers filter suspended solids, nutrients, and metals through the crushed stone base and aid in the breakdown of contaminants. - Cost savings
Experience has shown that even though the initial installation costs more,permeable pavers have maintenance costs that are 30% less than asphalt. - Cooling effects and looking cool
Permeable pavers that are sown with grass seed have a lower surface temperature than asphalt. Porous pavers look great! The open areas of these pavers can have soil and grass seed added to give a very unique look.ver 90% of rainfall events are of half an inch less. Much of this rainfall
Over 90% of rainfall events are of half an inch less. Much of this rainfall can be handled by permeable pavers. By showing your clients the benefits
you can add more green to your bottom line.
Dan Monsma
Source: Paveloc Industries, Inc.